What is baptism?

Baptism is the rite of initiation into the Christian faith. Individuals are baptized with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

This sacrament is based upon Jesus’ own baptism in the river Jordan when the Spirit of God descended upon him. (Matt 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, John 1:29-34)

Through Baptism:

  • We are joined to God, through Jesus Christ, in a covenantal relationship.
  • God has promised us salvation and the forgiveness of our sins.
  • We promise to lead the new life of a disciple of Christ.
  • New believers are brought into the fullness of the Church community.
  • We are invited to participate in the Eucharist (Holy Communion) and to receive the highest offering of the Church, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
  • We are joined to the Church universal (the Body of Christ that is comprised of all Christians, on Earth and in Heaven)
How do I have my child or myself baptized?
"Christians are made, not born." - Tertullian, 2nd century.

The best place to start is by asking this question. Come and have a conversation with our priest after a Sunday service or during the week. Baptism preparation is available for adults seeking baptism or parents seeking to have their child baptized a Christian.

Preparation involves gaining an understanding of your already present relationship with God, the process of being welcomed into the Christian community, the vows you will make, and what living a new Christian life entails. To start the conversation, contact our priest at the Church Office.

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How can I learn more?

The text for the Rite of Baptism and more information can be found on page 146 of the Book of Alternative Services [PDF]

Additionally, you may wish to visit the Anglican Church of Canada's website for more information about baptism and choosing Sponsors/Godparents.

How much does baptism cost?

Everything. To follow Jesus as an individual or as a family is to offer your entire life to God. But it is worth it and it is amazing! As with all aspects of God’s grace, baptism is free for all willing to take this leap of faith, enter into relationship with Jesus, and follow His way.