What do Anglican Christians believe?

The Anglican Church of Canada does not define its doctrine in a single confessional statement. Rather, the emphasis in Anglicanism has always been on our ability to pray together in a common tradition. Our beliefs are articulated in our liturgies (i.e. what we pray is what we believe). However, there are some statements that provide further articulation of our beliefs:

  • The Anglican tradition affirms the three historic creeds of the Christian Church, as statements of belief about God and the Church: the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed.
  • When we consider what defines an Anglican, The Lambeth Quadrilateral (1888) has provided a basis for Anglican identity.
  • The Five Marks of Mission, used widely throughout the worldwide Anglican Communion, provide a framework for what God's mission in the Church involves.
Christ Church's Mission

Christ Church lives in a generous and loving spirit in all its relationships.